Carpet Cleaning Pros

Rug cleaning tips

Rug cleaning experts

Rug cleaning tips

When you have a rug at home, it is so easy to forget about cleaning it. Rugs are quite resilient, especially if they are of a good quality. This means they do not often show signs of wear and tear, dirt build-up, or damage until it is very apparent. Therefore, you should always try and be proactive and keep that rug clean. As carpet cleaning experts, we have some useful rug cleaning tips that you could put to use below.

Try these out, and you can easily find it much simpler to keep your rug clean, fresh, and inspired.

Rug cleaning tips that prolong the lifespan of your rug

Always take your rug outdoors

The first thing you need to do when cleaning a rug is make some space outdoors for cleaning. And outdoor cleaning environment is much easier to work with. You should always look for a day where it is sunny and dry, so try and look out for a time during the summer. Avoid your grass, though; try and find somewhere with slabs or tiles etc.

Find somewhere to hang the rug

While a washing line is likely not strong enough, look for somewhere you can actually hang your rug from. This is very important as it can help you to easily have the rug sitting up in the sun. The aim is to get it off the ground so that front and back are given a good drying process by the sun. So, make sure you can hang the rug up to avoid one-sided cleaning.

Give both sides a thorough vacuum

Start off by giving front and back a deep and lasting vacuum. Spend lots of time on each area, do not simply skim over. Let the vacuum really suck up into the rug so that it can get into the rug itself. Many forget to do both sides – this ensures that you can freshen up the look of both sides whilst removing needless dirt build-up, thus maximising the end results and cleanliness.

Always give your rug a hit

After vacuuming the rug, give it a thorough beat or two with an object – or even just the palm of your hand. If you see a big cloud of dust, you need to keep on hitting until you stop seeing such prominent dust appearing. While you do not want to hit the rug too much, this is a great way to get any excess build-up that might be forming that even your vacuum cannot reach.

Try out a carpet shampoo

Lastly, for prolonged results make sure you use some form of carpet shampoo. This should be tested on a small portion to avoid any adverse damage. Apply a small part, leave it for a few hours, and then rinse this part of the rug. If you avoided any damage to the rug then you should make sure that you apply the shampoo to the rest of the rug. Many carpet and rug cleaners are designated for specific materials, so simply match the cleaner to your material.

Need a hand with your rug?

If you find rug cleaning to be too time consuming or physically arduous, let our team know. Our carpet cleaning professionals can take over your rug cleaning duties and get that rug looking A-OK once again. It really is that simple to lift the damage and make sure that your rug looks and feels as fresh as it should. But if you do have any issues, we are just a call away to make sure your rug can look the very best that it can once again.

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