Carpet Cleaning Pros

What Is The Best Way To Clean Sofa Cushions

What Is The Best Way To Clean Sofa Cushions?

Table of Contents

Use This Method & Give Your Sofa Cushions A Much-Needed Deep Clean

It is easy to forget about sofa cushions when it comes to cleaning our sofa. While most of us focus on cleaning the arms and the body of our couch, we often forget to give the sofa cushions the same attention to detail. If you do not deep clean your sofa cushions, though, they can begin to look out of sync with the rest of the sofa. Over time, they will look dirty and dull compared to the gleaming body and arms!

To avoid that problem, we recommend that you consider using the following cleaning method for sofa cushions. This should help keep them cleaner and ensure you are not left with a sofa that looks needlessly outdated. Try this quick and easy cleaning method to see if you can make those cushions shine again.

How To Clean Sofa Cushions The Easy Way

First off, could you make sure that you give your sofa cushions an extremely thorough vacuum cleaning? This should be done by using an upholstery brush attachment that comes with your vacuum cleaner. Then, take off the sofa cushions (if they come off) and give them a vacuum on both sides. If you see any spots or stains, wipe them with a white hand towel – use white as it avoids any colour transference.

If the cushion covers come off, take them outside and give them a good shake and beating – this helps to remove any lingering hairs and debris that might be stuck on. Now that you have carried out this pre-clean, you should read the care tag with your sofa. This will let you know whether you can clean using solvent, upholstery cleaner only, or only with light brushing. Do NOT ignore these rules!

Follow the instructions for the kind of cleaning care you are allowed. This will provide you with a good idea of what type of fabric you are dealing with. For example, natural materials like cotton or silk will need a different cleaning method from, say, polyester or vinyl.

To get rid of most typical stains that have appeared on your cushions, you should make sure that you take precautions when creating a cleaning mixture. Again, refer to the care tag and then look online to find what you should be using for each kind of material.

Before you start using this cleaning mixture on the whole sofa, use it on the part of the sofa cushion that is not going to be seen. This ensures that if there is any damage, you can at least hide this new stained mark. Generally, though, sofa cushions can be cleaned with a thorough vacuuming, and then a wipe-down using a cleaning mixture that adheres to the rules of the fabric your cushions are made from

The care tag that is on your sofa should use one of four designations: S, W, WS, or X. S means that it should be cleaned using a dry cleaning solvent without water. W means it should be cleaned using a water-based cleaner and no solvents. WS means that it should be cleaned using water or a mild dry cleaning solvent only and that you should not remove the cushion covers. Lastly, X means that you should only use a vacuum cleaner and light brushing – this means no water or solvent should touch the fabric. 

Keep this simple process in mind, and you should find it much easier to give your sofa cushions a proper clean. Again, the main challenge with cleaning sofa cushions is to avoid using something you shouldn’t. If you stick to the care tag and make up a light cleaning mixture, paired with some vacuum cleaning, you should be able to remove most stains.

Sometimes, you should consider using steam cleaning. For the most part, though, cleaning sofa cushions can be done with a vacuum pre-cleaning and then a cleaning mixture and a white hand towel. If you are ever wondering about cleaning your sofa cushions, you should not take any risks. It would be better for you to contact a professional who can manage the cleaning aspect for you.

If you are having a hard time cleaning sofa cushions in Richmond and surrounding areas, the Carpet Cleaning Pros can give you a simple solution. Give us a quick call today, and we can arrange the best way to clean sofa cushions in a timely, precise manner. When carried out by professionals like ourselves, we guarantee that you will be left with spotless-looking sofa cushions once again!


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