Carpet Cleaning Pros

Tips To Remove Stains And Bad Odour From Carpets

Tips To Remove Stains And Bad Odour From Carpets

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Try These Tips Before You Hire Our Carpet Cleaning Service

Carpets might be one of the best ways to decorate your home, but they can also be one of the most challenging to care for. If you have a carpet at home, you might start to notice problems with it over time. Stains. Smells. Mess that won’t lift. With that being the case, you want a solution – and you want it now. To help you make the right choice, we recommend that you look at using the following tips to remove stains and bad odour from your carpets. 

Before you go out and hire a carpet cleaning service, try these quick tips to see if you can lift the damage before it gets any worse.

Get Used To Baking Soda

One of the most effective tools for stains and odours is baking soda. Baking soda is a powerful deodoriser for a start, so it can be highly effective in lifting and removing stains and odours. 

Whether sprinkled on top and hoovered later or combined with a mixture of water and vinegar, baking soda is one of your most useful tools for removing carpet stains that are not going away on their end. Pick some up at the store ASAP!

Shake And Bake

If you are dealing with smells like smoke stains, the best thing you can do is take some baking soda and walk around your carpet liberally, dropping baking soda where you can. Now, walk around on top of the baking soda (not in your bare feet) and try to create an even coating. 

Once you do this, allow the baking soda to sit for around one hour. Then, vacuum it all up. This should be enough to eliminate most carpet smells, but it can be especially effective against smoke. You might need to repeat the process, but it works.

Get Rid Of The Moisture

One problem that can be a common cause of odours and stains is the presence of moisture within your carpet. If your carpet is moist and wet, you should get an air humidifier to try and soak up as much of the dampness as possible.

Once the area that is impacted is dried out, get a mixture of warm water and white vinegar and make this into a spray bottle. Pour this on top of the odour-ridden area, and the vinegar should eradicate the smell over time. Moisture can be a lead cause of awful smells like this, so try and keep that in mind.

The Vodka Trick

One that might surprise you is that you could use some clear, flavourless vodka as a cleaning tool. To do this, you need to take a small amount of vodka and put it into a spray bottle. Spray this atop the more serious smells in your carpet, and then let it sit for no longer than 30 minutes.

Go Deeper

Lastly, if you want to help lift out a bad smell from your carpet(s), you should mix some baking soda with some hydrogen peroxide. Around 30ml of this combined with around 60ml of baking soda and a teaspoon of dishwashing soap – all mixed into a litre of water – should be enough to build up a mixture. 

Make sure that you do not put a lid on this mixture, though, when you are finished, and get rid of the mixture you do not use. Also, be sure to test this out on the part of the carpet that is not visible to guests in case it does not react nicely with your carpet. In general, though, this powerful cleaning mixture should help to get rid of almost any lingering smells. 

Once you do this, blot the area with a dry, clean rag and then place some baking soda on top of the impacted area. Let this sit for around 30 minutes, and then vacuum. This should get rid of bacterial and mould-like smells. 

Are you still having trouble with some carpet stains and odours in Reading and surrounding areas? The Carpet Cleaning Pros team has you covered. One call is all it takes to get a service arranged so that we can resolve your issues and improve the quality of your carpets as soon as possible. Get in touch with us today; we can help you out!


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