Carpet Cleaning Pros

How to clean upholstery with a steam cleaner

How to clean upholstery with a steam cleaner?

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Try steam cleaning before you turn to a professional sofa cleaner

If you have upholstery at home, then it is likely that, over time, it will begin to show signs of wear and tear. Yes, cleaning it with some vacuum cleaning and some basic water care can be enough to keep most upholstery looking decent. However, as the years go by, it is only likely to get worse. One of the best solutions to add a bit of life back into your sofa would be to use a steam cleaner.

For many, steam cleaning can be a cost-effective alternative to hiring a professional sofa cleaner. While it might not produce the same quality of finish, steam cleaning is highly effective at keeping most upholstery looking good for the foreseeable future. How, though, do you go about steam cleaning upholstery with a steam cleaner?

Try out the following methods, and you should be likely to get some pretty positive results. If you find that the below does not quite clean up your upholstery as you wanted, you should consider hiring a sofa cleaning service instead.

Cleaning upholstery with a steam cleaner

Before you do anything, make sure you give your sofa/upholstery some cleaning with a vacuum first. This should give you some extra cleaning and conditioning results, and make sure that you are removing any of the easily lifted dirt and debris that might be built up. Once you do this, you should either contact the vendor who sold you the upholstery or check the attached care tag.

This will let you know whether or not steam cleaning is going to be safe. Only some pieces of upholstery are steam cleanable. It would help if you looked into this first as it can avoid making a serious mistake. If your upholstery is made using cotton or polyester, it should be safe to steam clean. Steam cleaning, though, can hurt suede, silk, and leather, so avoid cleaning these materials with steam cleaning.

If you want to be safe rather than sorry, try using steam cleaning on a very small part of the upholstery. This will give you an idea of how it will react to the steam cleaning. Also, make sure that you use a steam cleaner dedicated to upholstery – you might need to buy something like a fabric brush or something similar as an attachment for your steam cleaner.

Selecting the right cleaner is vital because using the wrong type could cause temperature damage to the sofa itself. The lowest steam setting, though, should be the best place to start if you want to avoid the risk of doing any damage to the upholstery. Start here, and work your way around the upholstery slowly. Be thorough, and pay particular attention to areas that look impacted or damaged.

You can start here, slowly work around the sofa, and take your time. If you follow this process, you should see some visible improvements in the condition of your upholstery thanks to steam cleaning. 

Have you tried using steam cleaning in Kingston-Upon-Thames and surrounding areas and not found the results you desire? Then contact the Carpet Cleaning Pros. We will be more than happy to deliver a solution for you that ensures you get even better results than steam cleaning can provide.


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