Carpet Cleaning Pros

Can carpet cleaning get rid of dog urine stains and smell

Can carpet cleaning get rid of dog urine stains and smell?

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If you have a carpet at home, then it is likely that you find that your carpet seems to fall into direct conflict with your pets. Pets seem to find carpets to be quite the ideal place to lay their scent and ‘mark their territory’, so to speak. When that happens, though, it means that your canine companion has probably urinated on the carpet – and that will NOT smell nice!

As such, you might have tried all of the generic options. You might have tried all of the ‘home remedy’ options you can find online. So, what do you do? Get rid of the carpet? No, you hire carpet cleaner services provided by local professionals. Why?

Carpet cleaning services can save you the cost of a carpet replacement

One quick call to a carpet cleaning service can give you the help you need to find out how much carpet cleaning would cost. If it is to lift unenjoyable odours like pet urine, then you definitely want a professional involved. By using the right kind of cleaning methods, even the worst urine stains can be lifted and removed.

By contrast, home carpet cleaning remedies tend to only really provide a mask to the smell. Over time, it will return. This is why you should absolutely consider hiring a carpet cleaning specialist who can deliver the cleaning for you. They can ensure that the smell is removed entirely as opposed to just covered up.

This means that you do not have to go down the cost of buying an expensive replacement. Instead of having to find a new carpet that you like (that your pet might ruin again anyway), you can use a cleaning service. This is much quicker, cheaper and easier to arrange than the expensive cost of a replacement.

Getting rid of pet urine smells is easier with the help of the professionals

Yes, you might think you can simply use one of the many home remedies that are supposed to ‘guarantee’ the removal of pet urine smells. As we all know, though, these remedies often only last for a short time. Instead of removing the presence and consequence of urine altogether, most remedies just hide it.

Instead, pet urine can be lifted using professional cleaning methods that will kill off the smell and the actual urination itself. This removes any worries about the smell returning. At the same time, though, it benefits you even more by lifting the real presence of any urine.

You should consider this to be a very wise choice if you are looking to keep your carpets cleaner for longer. A professional can use a very strong cleaning agent that will remove the urine and then use the correct cleaning and drying methods to ensure that the whole carpet – not just the impacted area – looks, feels and smells as good as new once again. 

Southampton and surrounding areas? Then let the Carpet Cleaning Pros give you the helping hand you need. Contact us today to arrange a chat about what we can do to help you lift those old stains and smells ASAP!


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